Woodland For Sale

Askew Wood, Maeshafn, near Mold, North Wales. 2.93 acres (approx.) of beech and pine with good access within a private gated forest. Freehold £24,500 [#463]


A pocket wood of mature and maturing beech and pine on gentle terraces enjoying good access in the heart of the Clwydian Range in Northeast Wales.




2.93 acres






OS Landranger Map: Sheets 116 and 117.

Access Point: SJ 201 610.

Centre of Wood: SJ 200 596.

Nearest Postcode: CH7 5TG.

This postcode will take you to the local area but may not take you to the woodland. You will need to use the location plan and directions as well.


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  • Woodland For Sale
  • Woodland For Sale


This surprisingly sheltered wood lies on a broad limestone ridge near the top of a substantial beech forest. The terrain falls westwards from the access track on the top east side through a series of terraces and moderate slopes to a substantial avenue of mature beech atop a small limestone bluff near the lower western edge.

The upper eastern area is dominated by late rotation Scots pine with minor elements of beech. This progressively morphs into pure hardwoods further down – principally beech with scattered elements of oak, birch and ash. A few patches of regenerating hardwoods plus occasional holly and hawthorn occupy the forest floor which is clear of invasive vegetation and therefore easy to walk.

A recently upgraded hard track enables vehicles to drive to the wood. An un-surfaced track on its northern edge descends to the broad beech avenue below giving 4x4 access to almost all parts of the property.

The Clwydian Range ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ is aptly described, and Askew Wood richly deserves this designation. This very attractive corner of North Wales is just an hour from Liverpool and Manchester. Opportunities to acquire such unspoilt woods of this size and in this location are infrequent.

To View This Woodland

You are welcome to view this woodland at any time during daylight hours. We do ask that you print these particulars and take them with you, mainly so you can correctly identify the boundaries and access points.


Residential Planning Permission

You are extremely unlikely to get residential planning permission for this woodland.

Directions & Access

From the west
From Ruthin head east on A494 for about 5 miles to the village of Llanferres. As you leave the village take the first turning right (just before a small stone bus shelter) onto a small single track road signed as ‘Unsuitable for heavy goods vehicles’.

Continue 0.8 mile to the village of Maeshafn. As you enter the village, about 30m after the Maeshafn sign, turn sharp right onto the drive for Pentre Cerrig. Continue on this drive for ¼ mile until you see a forest gate on your left side with a Woods4Sale sign. Please park in the lay-by opposite the gate and continue on foot.

Enter the forest at this gate and walk up the main track for about 700m until the track forks. Follow the left fork up the hill and continue for a further 500m over the shoulder of the wood and then briefly downhill to a junction to the left (D). Turn left at this junction and continue a further 350m up the track until a tight left and right bend with green posts leading off to the left. Askew Wood is now on your left (E).

From the east
At the start of the A55 take the A494 west (junction 33b). By-pass Mold and then leaving the by-pass follow the A494 signed for Ruthin. Continue for one mile and then turn left onto the minor county road signed for Maeshafn.

Continue for 1.2 miles then turn right into the village of Maeshafn at a small grass triangle. Pass through the village and take the private drive for Pentre Cerrig on the left side just before leaving the village. Continue on this drive for ¼ mile until you see a forest gate on your left side with a Woods4sale sign. Please park in the lay-by opposite the gate and continue on foot as per directions from the west (above).


The north boundary (FGH) is the north side of the ride marked intermittently by white paint spots on trees.

The west boundary (HJ) is the west side of a soft track marked by blue spots on trees (north half) and red spots on trees (south half).

The south boundary (JE) is a path marked by green-topped posts.

The east boundary (EF) is the west side of the access track.

Sporting Rights

The woodland comes with the benefit of full sporting rights. They are not let.

Mineral Rights

Please note that this area has been mined for over 200 years and there are a number of historic entrances and clefts visible on the surface, some of which have been fenced. There is no definitive plan of mining activity.

The mineral rights are not included.

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Rights Of Way

There is a general right of way to the property from the village of Maeshafn via the private drive to Pentre Cerrig AB and then by the main forest track BCDEF.

A right of access FG is reserved to others.

Maintenance of all tracks is shared according to use.

There are no public rights of way within the property.

Fencing Liabilities

There are no fencing liabilities.

Restrictive Covenants

There are some restrictive covenants to protect the woodland and the environment. Please click on the button below to view these.

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How To Buy

A visit to the woodland is essential before you confirm that you wish to buy it. We reserve the right to refuse to sell any woodland to purchasers who have not been to see it first.

This property is being sold on a Fixed Price basis. Once you have decided that you want to buy a woodland, you need to confirm this with us as soon as possible. Our policy is not to negotiate on price. The advertised price is the sales price. However, once you have written to us confirming that you want to buy a woodland, we will take the woodland off the market and we will not accept any other offer.

Please click on the button below for more information.

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Maps & Plans

Woodland For Sale Regional Plan

Woodland For Sale Regional Plan

Woodland Aerial Image

Woodland For Sale Plan

Woodland For Sale Plan

Woodland For Sale Map Legend


Plans, areas and particulars are for reference only. They have been carefully checked by us but we cannot guarantee their accuracy and they do not form a part of any contract. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves, and we will give as much help as possible with all information we have available.

Enquire About This Woodland


Woods4Sale Ltd
Jubilee Chapel
Church Lane

Phone: 01248 364 362
Company Number: 4657216.

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